October 2016 Meeting Notes


HHCBC October 2016 Meeting Notes


Pour the Core Cider Festival

  • We had 9 Ciders at Pour the Core in Calverton.
  • Eric Sowa put on a clinic for people interested in learning how to make cider.
  • Great event, lots of fun. Looking forward to next year. 


Upcoming Events:


Mead Seminar

  • Homebrews & Handgrenades is hosting a Mead Seminar on Sunday, October 30.
  • It will be conducted by our friend Andrew Luberto. Andrew is a Master Level BJCP Judge, a BJCP mead judge, a certified cicerone and an award winning mead maker. 
  • No charge to attend, but you must RSVP via Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mead-seminar-with-andrew-luberto-tickets-28637431328

Great Beer Expo – Belmont Racetrack

  • Saturday, November 5 at Belmont we will again be pouring at the Great Beer Festival.
  • One of the better beer festivals in the area. There are two sessions.
  • Not a lot of time, but if you’re a charter member and interested in pouring at the event, see Eric Sowa.
  • We currently have 12 beers being poured.

Dogfish Head event @ Effin Gruven

  • Saturday Nov 5 is Effin Gruven’s annual Dogfish Head rarities event. $30 for all you can drink DFH beer, including rarities and cellared kegs. 
  • From what I can remember from last year’s event, it was a great time.

Beer Trading

  • Also at Effin Gruven on the first Monday of each month, they are hosting a bottle trading event.
  • It’s not a bottle share, but a way to do some trading without dealing with shipping.

LIBME Homebrew Competition

  • Saturday, November 19 @ GSB
  • Entry registration is now open.
  • They are looking for stewards and judges to volunteer.

Brew for a cure

  • November 19th in Maspeth, Queens.
  • Open style homebrew competition.
  • Charity event, all proceeds go to support St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.
  • All spots are full, but tickets to attend are available on Eventbrite.
  • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brew-for-a-cure-tickets-27106044910


Other News:

Club only competition results

  • Winner this competition was Bernard Ramchatesing, with John Smith coming in second place.
  • The fine folks at The Brewer’s Collective will evaluate both beers and decide which one they want to brew (with the selected brewer) and serve in their tap room (once it opens).

Member Discount Update

  • The newest discount available for charter members is 10% off the bill (excluding liquor) at Brickhouse Brewery & Restaurant in Patchogue.
  • Be sure to check the website for the complete list of member discounts.
  • https://www.hhcbc.org/membership-discounts/


  • Membership prices for 2016 have been reduced. The remainder of the year will be $15 for an individual membership, $25 for a family.
  • If you’re interested in becoming a member, see Jason Scott.


  • Per our by-laws, election time is coming up.
  • We have 6 elected positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing/Events Director and Membership Director.
  • To be eligible to run for one of these offices, you must have been a charter member for the past six months.
  • If you have interest in running, please check the by-laws and constitution on the website for information about the position and responsibilities.
  • Nominations open up tonight and will close at the November meeting.
  • We will also hold the balloting at the November meeting.

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 15 @ Effin Gruven in Bellmore.

Chopped Competition

  • We’re doing it a bit different this time.
  • The 8 beers have been randomly seeded bracket style in head to head tastings.
  • The winner of each tasting will advance to the next round.
  • When announcements are complete, please go and taste each pairing, and vote for one. We’d like you to vote for the one that has the combination of:
    • Showing the special ingredient;
    • Pumpkin Beer nature;
    • Overall beer quality.
  • The winner of this Chopped Competition was Team Ginger

Thanks to EGP!

  • We want to take a moment to thank EGP for having us back.
  • Always good to be here. Great food and beer selection.
  • Please make sure you remember to take care of your servers.

Nassau County Homebrew & Craft Beer Club