July 2016 Meeting Notes


HHCBC July 2016 Meeting Notes


60 Years – 60 Beers

  • We had six beers on tap at the festival.
  • All were well received. Safe to say we were the highlight of the VIP section.

Style Class

  • The last style class was held on June 26
  • We covered BJCP Categories 18 & 19 – Pale American Ales and Amber and Brown American Ales.
  • I’ll be scheduling another class soon, though likely won’t be until after the summer is over.


Upcoming Festivals

LI Craft Classic (Formerly North Fork Festival)

  • August 6 @ Hecksher State Park
  • We’ll be pouring 8 beers here. All slots are full.
  • Tickets available via their website. http://www.licraftclassic.com/

Nassau County Homebrew Festival – Update

  • Unfortunately, due to issues with the venue, we’ve had to put this one on hold.
  • We working with Starfish Junction to find a new venue.
  • Once that’s worked out, we will


First Annual Club BBQ

  • Scott Rung is hosting our first Club BBQ at his home on Saturday, July 23rd.
  • Open to Charter Members & a guest. Sorry, no kids.
  • The club will be serving hamburgers, hotdogs & chicken.
  • Feel free to bring a beer-inspired dish.
  • Signup on the facebook page and will be in the meeting notes.
  • Contact events@hhcbc.org with any questions.

Brew Day with Gordon Strong

  • HHCBC & LIBME have collaborated on getting Gordon Strong to Long Island for the weekend of August 13.
  • Gordon will be doing a brew day/Q&A session at H&H on Aug 13. This event is sold out.
  • After the brew day, there will be a book signing event that will be open to the public.
  • There will be a beer brunch at Jackson’s in Commack on Sunday 8/14.
  • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beer-brunch-with-gordon-strong-tickets-26662474178

Club only competition now open

  • Next competition will be held in September
  • Open to Charter Members.
  • Now open to register on the competition website: https://www.hhcbc.org/competition
  • Entries have to be submitted by the September meeting, either at H&H or by bringing them to the September meeting.
  • The top beers will be submitted to The Brewer’s Collective for their review. They will select which beer (if any will be brewed on their system and sold in their tap room).

BJCP Tasting Exam

  • We’ve got a few members taking the BJCP tasting exam on August 6.
  • As of this morning, there was one spot still available.
  • Let’s wish them luck.
  • They’ve also requested some homebrew donations for their studying efforts. If you have a bottle of homebrew to spare, it would help them to prepare for the exam.
  • See John Soj or Tom Weber if you’d like to help out.

Next Chopped competition

  • Pumpkin beers
  • Beers will be presented at the October meeting.
  • New teams will be formed and disseminated soon.
  • Contact Ken Dalton if you haven’t participated before and wish to be added to a team.

Looking for input and ideas

  • I’m looking for input and ideas from our membership. This is your club.
  • What do you want the club to be doing? Is there something you’d like to see?
  • Also, if there’s anything you’d like to see us discuss or cover at meetings let me know.
  • If you’re interested in presenting on a topic (10-15 minutes) at a meeting, or running a class or demonstration, please don’t hold back.

Brewery updates:

Congratulations to Barnshed Brewing

  • Congrats to Kristine & Bryan for their successful kickstarter.
  • We’re looking forward to their grand opening.

Lithology’s grand re-opening

  • This past weekend Lithology in Farmingdale has held a grand re-opening.
  • The tasting room has been completely remodeled.
  • It’s a great spot in downtown farmingdale. Stop in and have a pint.



  • Membership prices for 2016 have been reduced. The remainder of the year will be $15 for an individual membership, $25 for a family.
  • If you’re interested in becoming a member, see Jason Scott.

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 16 @ Press 195 in RVC.

Thanks to Heneghans!

  • We want to take a moment to thank Luke, Kevin and everyone at Heneghans for having us.

Adirondack Brewery

  • Jeanne Forster, the representative from Adirondack Brewery in Lake George, NY brought some of Adirondack’s offerings for us to sample, and there was a keg of Tangerine Dream on tap.
  • Thanks to Jeanne for coming down and bringing some really good beers for us to try.

Nassau County Homebrew & Craft Beer Club