April 6-8: National Homebrew Competition – Round One!

Good Luck to the HHCBC & Long Island Homebrewers entering the 1st Round of the National Homebrew Competition!

The local 1st Round Competition will be held at Fifth Hammer Brewing in Long Island City from April 6th through 8th.

Volunteer Stewards are still needed for any of the five sessions of competition. No experience necessary. Contact the club for details.

Winners of the first round of competition will be announced on the evening of April 8th. Plan on arriving to the brewery around 4pm if you would like to cheer on the home-brewers moving onto the finals! Winners from the 1st Round will be sending their brews to NHC 2018 in Portland, OR to be judged against the best in the world! Good Luck!

3 thoughts on “April 6-8: National Homebrew Competition – Round One!”

  1. Did the winners actually get announced on April 8th at the brewery? Still waiting for the AHA to post the results on the website


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